Clenbuterol “Clen” is used by athletes and bodybuilders for it’s ability as a beta-2 agonist. It therefore stimulates your beta- 2 receptors, which in turn help you to lose fat by allowing your body to release and burn more stored fat. Clen has been used for literally decades in the foreign veterinary world, for increasing the lean yield of livestock. It is clearly a very effective agent for this purpose.
Specifically, it’s used for fat loss, and since we’re talking about fat loss here, and this purpose is what it’s most often used for by athletes. Briefly stated, Clen is used as a repartitioning agent, and what this means is simply that it will increase your ratio of Fat Free Mass (FFM) to Fat Mass (FM). When you use Clen, besides (of course) noticing some fat loss, you’ll feel your body temperature rise a bit, and your appetite will be slightly repressed.