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 15 Week Mass Builder
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 Anabolic Steroid Information
 Anabolic Steroids
 Basic Uses of Steroids
 Effects of Steroids
 3 Most Effective Steroids
 8 BodyBuilding tips
 Deca Durabolin
 DHT (dihydrotestosterone)


 2,4 Dinitrophenol
 DNP in Bodybuilding
 Using DNP
 DNP Weight Loss
 DNP Fat Loss
 DNP: The Secret Weapon to Burn Fat
 Side Effects of DNP

Decabolon 400 (Deca400)

Decabolon 400

Product Presentation : Nandrolone Decanoate 100 mg/ml Nandrolone Cypionate 100 mg/ml Nandrolone Isocaproate 100 mg/ml Nandrolone Decanoate 100 mg/ml ,10 ml Glass Vials

Nandrolone is a modification of testosterone (carbon atom removed from the 19th position) With an Anabolic/Androgenic ratio: 125:37, meaning it is highly anabolic (muscle building) and moderately androgenic (male characteristics). Due to nandrolones chemical structure it only aromatizes (converts to estrogen) slightly, at about 20% the rate of testosterone when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme. Ergo, estrogenic effects are not a major concern with its use. Of note, however, is that nandrolone is a progestin with a binding affinity of 20% to the progesterone receptor (PgR), so side effects are still possible, though rare. The development of breast tissue in males (gynecomastia) has been reported in some users. One of the most popular anabolic steroid used in bodybuilding cycles, nandrolone is also (medically) used to treat severe debility or disease states and refractory anemias. It promotes tissue building processes, reverses catabolism (muscle destruction) and stimulates erythropoiesis (red blood cell production). This makes it a very useful drug to treat wasting disorders such as advanced H.I.V. , and also, makes it highly sought after by bodybuilders and athletes. Nandrolone is most commonly found with a cypionate, undecaonate, decanoate or plenylpropionate ester. Briefly explained, the ester determines how much of the given hormone is released over a period of time. Longer esters such as decanoate peak slowly and can keep stable blood plasma levels up to ten days, shorter esters such as the phenylpropionate peak more rapidly but the half-live is shorter. Shorter esters usually release much more active hormone per mg than longer esters, and of course, allow the drug´s effects to leave your system more quickly.. Nandrolone in general, has a number of benefits for athletes; it increases levels of serotonergic amines in the brain, these chemicals contribute to aggressive behavior, this could help athletes to train harder and improve speed and power.4 Nandrolone also increases levels of IGF-1 in muscle tissues. This may be another way that makes nandrolone highly anabolic. Nandrolone also benefits the athlete by increasing the number of androgen receptors (AR) one study showed that nandrolone given to rats at a dosage of 6mg/kg of bodyweight combined with muscle functional overload (muscle functional overload gives a similar effect to resistance training) had a 1,300% (!) increase in AR protein concentrations. There is a direct link to muscle growth and AR levels. also seems to be a promising fat loss agent, men given the drug had reduced levels of subcutaneous (under skin) adipose(fat) tissue, visceral (gut) fat loss was not as good however. The fat loss effect seems though to be dose dependant, in one study Nandrolone at a daily dose of 1, 4, or 10mg per kg of bodyweight the 10mg dose had the greatest effect on fatloss, thus displaying a dose respondant curve with Nandrolone . The more you use, the more results you´ll get, with regards to this drug. Nandrolone is used to treat anemia by stimulating red blood cell production, and an increase in RBC count can improve endurance during exercise via better lactic acid clearing and oxygen delivery. The blood is also better enabled to carry nutrients to muscle tissue to aid in repair, administration also increases the rate of muscle glycogen repletion after exercise helping the athlete dramatically improve recovery after strenuous physical exercise. Athletes who require a high level of endurance in their chosen sport can benefit from the use of Nandrolone. A favorite with bodybuilders who suffer with sore joints, Nandrolone can also improve collagen synthesis (10), which may improve joint function and alleviate joint pains. Dosage : Standart dosage of Nandrolone is 2 mg per pound of body weight. For Example , 90 kg( 200pound) athlete should take 400 mg per week. Maximum dosages can be as high as 1000-1500 mg per week There are several esters of Nandrolone and all of them requires different Injecting Schedule
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate :Every 3. Or 4. Day.
Nandrolone Decaonate : 1 or2 times per week.
Nandrolone Cypionate : 1 or 2 times per week. 2 times per week is better
Nandrolone Undeceonate : 1 or 2 times per week

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